10 Steps to Better Financial Insights From Your Finance Function

As operators, we know how many balls a small business owner needs to keep in the air. Sales, operations, crisis management, and the crucial yet often neglected realm - financial administration. This is where the services of a virtual CFO can prove...

SaaS Dashboard KPIs Need to Evolve (SaaS Reporting Per Growth Stage)

One of the most powerful ways to monitor the operational health of your SaaS business is through SaaS dashboards. Dashboards bring together your most important SaaS KPIs and present them in a clear and concise way that allows for data-driven...

7 Essential Features Your Finance Dashboard Must Have

When you're on a road trip, how often do you check the gauges on your car’s dashboard? Routinely, if you're like most people. Those indicators tell you important information like where you are in your journey, how you’re tracking relative to...

Cash Accounting vs. Accrual Accounting: Which is Right For Your Firm?

If you are a new business owner, you have undoubtedly already tackled many decisions regarding your company operations. However, one of the most impactful choices to make is whether you should use the cash or accrual accounting method. Since this...

Pro Forma Financial Statements: Model Worst Case to Enable the Best

No one likes to imagine the worst-case scenario. But if you are planning a new product or service in your business, forecasting failure is necessary to demonstrate your firm can withstand a slower than projected start or an unanticipated hiccup....

4 Ways Yearend Financial Statement Preparation Shortcuts Can Hurt You

The end of year financial statement preparation is not a favorite task of most business owners. Under the stress and pressure of yearend, these important reports are often created quickly with a few clicks of the mouse and handed off to the CPA. If...

5 Most Popular CFO Advisory Service Insights & Deliverables

Let's face it, the vast majority of small business CEOs and nonprofit executive directors are flying blind when it comes to having sound, data driven insights upon which they can base their decisions. For a variety of reasons, the finance functions...

3 Ways to Use Financial Reporting Services to Become More Profitable

How long has it been since you last went on a road trip, or even to a new destination, and didn’t have an app on your phone (eg: Google Maps) to guide you, step-by-step, towards your goal? Five years? A decade? Maybe even longer. GPS and map apps...

8 Must-Have Metrics for Your Finance Dashboard

We were invited by the GoDaddy Garage blog to write a guest article for small business owners detailing what comprises a great finance dashboard. Click here to read it now.

Make Your Finance Dashboard Visual

Your finance dashboard - not unlike your car's - should present the most critical indicators of your firm's financial performance to help you steer it toward achieving your objectives.

Why Use a Balance Sheet: 3 Compelling Reasons

With all that a small business owner has to do, why add a regular balance sheet review? Won't your CPA advise at tax time if something is amiss? The fact is, an owner can't afford NOT to embrace this critical tool. Moreover, businesses are far too...

1 Question to Tap the Power of Your Small Business Financial Reports

Does this sound familiar? Month after month, your bookkeeper or controller dutifully produces the financial reports you need to monitor your business. And month after month, you check the bottom line on the profit and loss statement, tuck the pile...

3 Tips for Creating Cash Flow Projections

Does your company experience ebbs in revenue at times? Or periods of particularly heavy costs? Is growth constraining your cash position? Creating cash flow projections will help ensure you'll always have adequate cash to pay the critical bills,...

Why Budgeting is Important for Business: 3 Reasons You Need One

Ask any small business owner what a budget is and they will likely respond with something like this: a financial plan for a firm's future that projects revenue and expenses. Ask them if they have one, however, and you may get a variety of excuses...

How to Find Gross Profit Percentage: Careful it's Often Misleading

As a business owner, you know that your gross profit is an important figure, to you and to potential (or existing) lenders, investors and acquirers. For starters, your pricing strategy, ability to benchmark your performance and even you firm's value...

Why Financial Reports for Small Business Should be Game Changing

The minute the bookkeeper hands you the latest financial reports, you check the top and bottom lines. But once you have the big picture, you’re ready to dig into the details. All too often, the out-of-the-box income statement, balance sheet and cash...

Small Business Insights: What your Reporting RevealS about Your firm

Are you thirsting for more business information?

You know that feeling when you’re so thirsty that you just can’t stand it anymore? Sweat is beading on your brow, you’re parched and all you can think about is a pint of cold water (or beer!). 

How to Find Gross Profit Percentage: 9 Ways Yours is Misleading You

Gross profit is gross profit, right? The math is simple enough. Revenue less the cost of goods yields your gross profit. Divide that figure by your total revenue for the same period and you have your figure. Unfortunately there's more to it than...

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