A Successful Capital Raise Starts with Your Financial Story

So your organization has reached the point where you need to initiate a capital raise. Maybe you've dialed in your business model and it's time to scale. Or perhaps you've quantified your nonprofit's operating deficit and need to bridge the gap. Whatever the reason and regardless of whether you're raising equity, debt or charitable donations, raising money involves significant effort. And central to your preparation should be your financial story. 

capital raise

Here are the key elements of the financial story you'll want to include in the fundraising package you prepare for your prospective investors:

  1. Historical financial statements 
  2. Financial projections 
  3. Plan for acheiving the projections

Your historical financial reports should include an income statement and balance sheet at a minimum. The financials should cover up to your most recent month and they must hold up to the scrutiny of the potential investors.

Projections should include upside and downside scenarios in your projections because savvy investors know ventures rarely play out along the original plan.  They will also want to see cash flow projections to ensure you have the cash flow management skills to manage their capital responsibly. And be certain to include how and when your investors will will receive their return.

Lastly, focus your persuasive powers on building a compelling story about how you will lead the organization down a logical path to hit your goals along the projected timeline. Point to past experience that demonstrates you will be a worthy steward of their capital. Here's another article - on securing a loan - that speaks in more detail to developing the plan. 

Assistance with your financial story

Driven Insights enjoys crafting financial stories for client firms to help with capital raises. We're also experienced in leading businesses and nonprofits on the journey to leveraging financial and operating metrics to accelerate growth. Our bookkeepers and controllers are charged with much more than simply “doing the books” – they ensure each client understands and uses the insights we share.

Interested in learning more? See for yourself how Driven Insights can provide the insight and control you need to achieve your goals by contacting us at or 888-631-1124.

Driven Insights

Written by Driven Insights

The Driven Insights content team writes about all aspects of small business finance. Contact us if there's a topic you'd like us to tackle.

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