Where to start when you've committed to take control of your firm's financial management? A small business owner could look to the current reporting, reevaluate the accounting technology or even thumb through the accounting manual. But what about the finance team? Aren't people the most important resource for a service firm? We'd suggest you start by asking whether your bookkeeper is happy in that role.
All too many small business bookkeepers have “backed into” the bookkeeping role when a need arose and no one else stepped forward. In such instances, he or she may readily admit they don’t feel qualified to perform the job and/or don’t enjoy the work.
A quick way to facilitate this conversation is to read our article on becoming a bookkeeper. The article lists 9 reasons to entertain the bookkeeping career path. If your bookkeeper doesn't have the requisite skills or traits to perform the bookkeeping duties, how can you expect him or her to shoulder the burden of taking your finance function to the next level?
So job one in transforming your finance function to a competitive advantage is to ensure you have the right people in the right roles.
Need help with the People Part?
Driven Insights serves an outsourced finance department for service firms. We assign a bookkeeper and controller to each account and they become your finance team. But we're not a staffing firm, we handle your bookkeeping management on an ongoing basis. Our team takes the time to understand your business and develop the systems that produce the ongoing reporting required to help you drive your company toward your goals.
Email info@driveninsights.com or call 888-631-1124 to find out how outsourcing your finance function to Driven Insights can accelerate your growth and help you build the type of value the market will ultimately reward.